FTL Log Entry 9

Captain's Log, Day 9:

I have to admit, I'm liking these quieter jumps.  Today we came across a black market dealer looking to purchase missiles.  While I would gladly have the scrap they were offering, I'm not sure that I could support a black market weapon mogul.  If I knew for certain that the missiles would go to fight the Rebels, that would be one thing.  Usually though, these scumbags are just looking to turn a profit - looking for the highest bidder with no regard to who they're helping or hurting.

Also, with the luck we've had so far, the 10 missiles we have are looking more and more like a rare commodity, one that we'll be needing more and more of in the future.  We passed up this "generous" offer and continued on our course.  Luckily, the next jump would be to the long jump beacon.  Maybe we'll feel like we're actually making progress soon.


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