FTL Log Entry 21

Captain's Log, Day 21:

So, it appears that the last jump was, for all intents and purposes, useless.  All that's here is a binary star system.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for the rest, but all this time in empty space makes me feel a bit useless.

We've also picked up a distress call.  If we respond to the distress call, we may not make it back to the sector exit before the Rebels.  That would mean all sorts of bad things for the ship and the crew.  Then again, our overall goal is to help out the Federation citizens.  So, I'm torn.

When I polled the crew, Aisha and Bjorn shared the same sentiment I did - a desire to help but an uncertainty about future safety, going so far as to suggest that it may be a trap.  Pipaluk and Jones responded that their primary "directive" is to assist, and that they have fulfilled that by assisting me.  The decision fell on me.  I guess that's the burden of command.  Well, I know I couldn't live with myself if I let citizens suffer, and the crew will feel better as well.  Off to the distress beacon we go!


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